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Unlock Fully Accountable Staff Catering.

With TYNGO Staff Wallet, you can efficiently manage your employees' in-house meals. 

  • Prevents fraud and reduces costs.
  • Saves time in processing the management’s complimentary checks.
  • Tracks usage with statistics and reporting.
  • Avoid disputes with your employees.
  • Easy-to-use and low-cost extension for TYNGO.
  • Fully integrated with Oracle RES 3700 POS, MICROS Simphony POS, and Cloud.    



Fully Controllable

Set rules for amounts, discounts, and pricing – even for specific items. Are your meals free of charge, discounted, or full-priced? You decide.


Accountable Staff Catering

Choose between different top-up options. The selected preset values can be applied manually and reset at recharging.


Accurate Inventory Tracking

Keep track of your inventory for better forecasting. TYNGO Staff Wallet supports full reporting features.


Happy Employees

The whole process is transparent and fair for your employees. Discounted or free meals can increase employee satisfaction.

Phone Call

Do you have questions?

We will call you back as soon as possible.



Credit Management

Employees can charge their account balances manually or automatically.

Analytics and Reporting

Monitor consumption and reduce costs for better planning.

An Efficient Add-on

The module has been designed for Oracle MICROS Simphony POS and TYNGO Loyalty.

TYNGO Staff Wallet Flyer

Do you need a document for an internal meeting? Download our flyer, and contact our team if you have any questions.    

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